Papaya Nation

The other day I was walking around Whole Foods feeling uninspired.  I already had my usual purchases in my cart like coconuts, goji berries, avocados, and flowers, but I wasn’t feeling very satisfied with what I had.  But then, I saw some papayas.  As most of us probably know, papayas are big green tropical fruits.  Papayas are spherical or pear-shaped fruits that can be as long as 20 inches. When seen in grocery stores they are usually a very nice green hue, however, they are not actually ripe until the outside skin is a yellow color.  They are one of the only fruits that continues to ripen after being picked!

Papayas offer not only the luscious taste and sunlit color of the tropics, but they are rich sources of antioxidant nutrients such as carotenes, vitamin C and flavonoids; the B vitamins, folate and pantothenic acid; and the minerals, potassium, copper, and magnesium; and fiber. They promote digestive health, protect against macular degeneration, promote immune support  as well as protect against rheumatoid arthritis.

Now that I had my papayas, I already gathered some ideas in my head as to how I was going to serve them.  I wanted to make a breakfast fruit salad that not only I would love to eat, but also my brother, who sometimes really hates fruits that he is not familiar with. I have fresh blueberries growing in the garden, so with the addition of the berries, I already had a great basis for one of my recipes.  Below are two different recipes that I created that will satisfy almost anyone!

Papaya and Avocado Salad

1/2 large papaya, seeded and cut into cubes

1 ripe avocado, sliced

1/2 lime, juiced

1 tablespoon honey

1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper

Cut the papaya into cubes and place in a bowl.  Add the sliced avocados and top with the lime juice, honey and cayenne pepper.  Enjoy!

Papaya and Freshly Picked Blueberries 

1/2 large papaya, seeded and cubed

1/4 cup fresh blueberries

2 tablespoons goji berries

1 tablespoon honey

1/2 lime, juiced

Add the papaya, blueberries and goji jetties into a bowl.  Topped with lime juice and honey and enjoy!

These are extremely easy recipes that do not take up much time! I added the lime juice because it enhances the natural flavor of the papaya, as well as the honey to give it some sweetness.  These are just a few combinations that go really well with this tropical fruit! I promise that with a little imagination you can create a papaya salad that you will love! Now go get creative and make a dish that you will love!

xoxo Sarah